says he will never leave you or forsake you. He calls to each one,
"Give me your burdens (stress, worry, and depression). Come to me.
You do not have to carry those things, for I have paid for them."
God just says to come. Accept his free gift. Yes, it's free. Very
He wants is to release you from your sins. He has already paid for
them. There is nothing anyone can ever do or have ever done that
would make you ineligible. Sin is sin to God. From the "little white
lie" to killing someone, sin is all the same to God and just as
bad. We all brake his heart when we sin. He loves us so much that
He chose to die on a cross for us so we do not have to die in payment
of our own sins. Each and every person is His beloved/His bride.
God knows your hopes and dreams. He hears you when you cry out and
when you don't think anyone heard you. He knows thoughts. He knows
the deepest darkest secret in your heart, and He still loves you.
wants you to know Him. Do not just go through "religious" motions,
but have a personal and intimate relationship with God. It was what
our hearts were made for. We, as humans, were made to want, love,
and feel. Only God can fill that ultimate ache and want to be loved
in our heart. Life is not worth leaving without a heart.
God your heart. He is the ONLY one who will not disappoint.
Being able to talk with, hear words and answers from, and being
led by an ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING CREATOR GOD. Now that is cool.
Let God open your eyes to the truth and the light. If you let him,
He will change and heal your heart like no other can. He will also
make Himself real to you. You will never be the same, and will not
look back on the old you.
we awake we will know the truth.
We do not know we are asleep till we awake.
Take that first step.
Ask God into your life
Forgive your sins
And accept his free gift of Salvation and life.
Here is a paper Eric, a friend of mine, wrote on the crucifixion
of Christ. It really shows how much God loves you and what Jesus
went through.
Click Here.
Here is an article that I found interesting. It is on giving God
control of your lives
Click here. What do you have to do to go to hell? Click
here |
A little about myself. I have just graduated from DeVRY in Addison.
I was going to DeVRY for a BS of Science degree in CIS(Computer
Information Systems). I have have also just received a position
at Motorola. Take a look at my Resume HERE.
I am 21 from Lombard, IL. I really enjoy dance. I use to take
Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Flamenco full time, but I currently don't
have the time to do much dance anymore. I also like to rollerblade,
garden, and cook.
I am a born again Christian. My main goal is to know God more
and tell of His everlasting Love to others. I listen to Christian
and other types of music. I like most music except heavy rock
and country. If you every want to just want to have someone to
talk or to pray with, E-mail me, ICQ me at 6098423
Aol message me at Longbld,
or Yahoo message me at
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